The 5 Golden Rules of Design

  • 4 min read

a clean and minimalistic living room with neutral colors: Golden Rules of Design

Home space design is about weaving functionality with aesthetics, creating a setting that reflects your personality while offering comfort. As you embark on your design journey, let these golden rules guide you, and watch your space transform into a reflection of your vision and style.

Among the myriad guidelines available, five golden rules stand out as foundational.

Embracing these rules can help both novice and expert designers create purposeful and impactful designs.


1. Simplicity is Key

“Less is more” is a principle championed by many iconic designers, including Ludwig Mies van der Rohe.

A simple design avoids unnecessary clutter and focuses on the essential elements. It lets you design idea shine through and not get lost in, well, stuff! It ensures that the user is not overwhelmed and can easily navigate the room.

Tips for Embracing Simplicity:

  • Eliminate Unnecessary Elements: Start with all the components you think you need, then critically assess and remove the non-essential. To help you declutter your space, check out our decluttering services or this blog post: How to Declutter Your Space: A Step-by-Step Guide
  • Embrace White Space: Contrary to belief, empty space is not wasted space. It gives breathing room and brings attention to the key elements.
  • Opt for Multi-functional Furniture: Pieces like ottomans with storage or extendable tables can keep the space tidy and minimalistic.

2. Consistency Matters

From the living room to the bedroom, a consistent theme or style brings harmony to your home, making it feel unified and thoughtfully curated.

Tips for Maintaining Consistency:

  • Understand Your Style: We love the aesthetic of a neutral and minimalistic home. This doesn't mean sterile and white... Check out our Pinterest boardwhere we get inspired by this timeless style and get inspired for your own space. This neutral pallet opens up the opportunity to invite color in! By creating a neutral colour scheme in the more permanent aspects of your home (furniture, paint, walls) you can add pops of colour and change it up or showcase items (art, pillows, decor) according to you! 
  • Stick to a Color Palette: Choose a set of complementary colors and ensure they flow seamlessly across rooms.
  • Uniformity in Decor Elements: This doesn’t mean every room should look identical, but similar motifs, textures, or patterns can weave a consistent design story.

3. Prioritize Functionality

A design is not just about aesthetics. It needs to serve a purpose. Whether it's a chair or a mobile app, if it doesn't function well, the design is a failure.

Tips to Ensure Functionality:

  • Flexible Design Choices: Opt for furniture and design elements that can adapt to evolving needs, such as modular shelves or adjustable lighting.
  • Empathize with the End User: Understand you and your families' needs, challenges, and preferences. What do you do in your space? How and how often you use items will depict how reachable they are, how you store them, how you display them etc... 
  • Test and Iterate: Don't be afraid to go back to the drawing board. Test your design with real users and iterate based on feedback. When a design or system doesn't work, you learn from it and how to improve on it, so don't give up!

4. Maintain Balance

Balance, be it symmetrical or asymmetrical, gives a design stability and harmony. It ensures that no single part of the design overpowers the others, creating a cohesive look.

Tips for Achieving Balance:

  • Distribute Elements Thoughtfully: Be it weight, color, or size, make sure elements are placed in a manner that doesn’t tip the visual balance.
  • Distribute Furniture Evenly: Avoid clustering all large pieces on one side of a room.
  • Mix and Match: Balance out bold pieces with subtle ones, heavy with light, and textured with smooth to get a harmonious blend.
  • Play with Contrast: Using contrasting colors or sizes can help highlight certain areas without compromising balance.

5. Pay Attention to Details

Great design often lies in the details. Small, thoughtful touches can elevate a design from good to exceptional.

Tips for Mastering Details:

  • Zoom In and Out: Sometimes, zooming in helps you fine-tune tiny imperfections. Zooming out gives a holistic view.
  • Accessorize Thoughtfully: Be it cushions, artworks, or trinkets, choose pieces that resonate with the room's theme and your personal style.
  • Incorporate Personal Touches: Personal photos, heirlooms, or DIY crafts make a space truly yours and add layers of warmth and personality.


Design is both an art and a science. While creativity is central, adhering to these golden rules ensures that the design is not only visually appealing but also functional, consistent, balanced, and meticulously crafted.

The next time you embark on a design project, let these principles guide your path or contact us for a free consultation. 

We can help you with an entire home or room transformation.

Check out our services and how we can helps you declutter, organize and design your dream home!

We can:

  • declutter any space you want or need
  • organize with practical systems, solutions and functional storage
  • provide all materials and procure all necessary items to complete the transformation
  • complete any handy work including patching that hole you made 2 years ago, installing shelving units, hanging painting etc...
  • provide optional design and decor suggestions and solutions
  • finish off with an optional deep clean to leave your home sparkling and new so you can enjoy the newly organized and relaxing space

We guarantee that the organizational systems we teach you, and put in place, will stay! Now is the time to get organized and start living in a home that you love!